NJ Mortgage Debt Solutions, Inc.

NJ has the highest foreclosure rate in the US.....we're here to help


Our Mission

Our mission at NJ Mortgage Debt Solutions is to do everything in our power to help our clients find solutions to manage distressed and/or unwanted mortgage debt outside of losing all of the equity they may have accumulated over the years, ruining their credit rating, owing money to the IRS and getting evicted 


There are many reasons that our clients fall behind on their mortgage...

There are so many different reasons that people fall behind on their mortgage, and we've got a creative solution for them all

Loss of job

The loss of a job is the #1 reason that most of our clients reach out for our assistance.  Losing your salary presents very difficult circumstances

Health issues

While we don't like to think about these possibilities, sometimes health issues can and do affect our finances negatively


Your divorce has been finalized and one of the stipulations is that you must sell your house and divide the proceeds.  We can help you close FAST and save on agent's fees

loss of life

It's the worst case scenario.....you've lost a spouse and you've got to downsize........we can assist you through this transitionary phase smoothly


Don't lose everything to foreclosure.......


Time is of the essence...

In the state of New Jersey the average foreclosure timeline is about 6 months.  DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO TAKE ACTION


The earlier you act. the better your options become in terms of transitioning your unwanted mortgage debt.  


Scroll down for links to START YOUR ACTION PLAN


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